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Before their first duel, Biden and Sanders rack up heavy supports

Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden. – AFP

The black senator Kamala Harris for one, the famous civil rights activist Jesse Jackson for the other : Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders each received significant support Sunday two days from their first “tête-à-tête” in the Democratic primary. The duel that took place this week between the two septuagenarians after the great reversal of “Super Tuesday” continues to take shape as another big election Tuesday approaches.

While six new states (North Dakota, Idaho, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri and Washington) will vote in the Democratic presidential nomination contest, Joe Biden, 77, has won the support of a former rival, Kamala Harris. The 55-year-old senator, who hoped to become the first black president of the United States, had made a remarkable start to the campaign, notably taking on the former vice-president on racial issues during a televised debate in June.

But the puff quickly fell for the former California prosecutor, who threw in the towel in December for lack of sufficient funds to finance his campaign, and now leaves behind his differences with Joe Biden. “I really believe in Joe, whom I have known for a long time. Today we need a leader who really cares about people and therefore can bring them together. And I think Joe can do it, “she said in a video posted to her Twitter account on Sunday. On the same network, the interested party, campaigning in Mississippi, thanked him for having “devoted his career to fighting for the left behind”.

Barring Bernie Sanders

Pete Buttigieg, Amy Klobuchar, Beto O’Rourke, Mike Bloomberg … In the name of the “rally” necessary to avoid the dispersal of voices, rallies to Joe Biden have multiplied since his successes in South Carolina and during “Super Tuesday ” Everyone believed that he was best placed among the moderates to block Bernie Sanders, whose very leftist ideas for the United States frightened the democratic leaders.

The party apparatus has started to remove the senator from Vermont, Republican President Donald Trump analyzed on Saturday evening. “The Democrats don’t want to talk about the crazy Bernie. Rigged? “He wrote, wondering why Elizabeth Warren did not retire before” Super Tuesday “, which could have benefited Bernie Sanders.

The progressive senator, who left the race for the White House on Friday after a series of sharp setbacks, has yet to officially support any of the two big candidates still in the running.

Jesse Jackson’s weight support

In the duel which now opposes him to Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, 78, also received significant support on Sunday: that of Jesse Jackson, one of the figures of the fight for civil rights. Himself a candidate in 1988 for the democratic nomination for the presidential election, he had then received the support of the elected socialist and said on Sunday happy to be able to return the favor.

“I support Bernie Sanders today because he supported me,” he said during a campaign rally in Grand Rapids, Michigan. “I support him because he is there for you,” he said to the crowd. A highly respected figure in the African-American community, the pastor is a “catch” of choice for the senator, less popular than his rival with a black electorate traditionally crucial in the Democratic primary. Jesse Jackson helped “change American politics” and “transform the country alongside Martin Luther King,” he said earlier on his Sunday political tour.

While Joe Biden announced that he had raised an additional $ 22 million for his campaign in recent days, the independent senator was concentrating his forces on Michigan, whose governor Gretchen Whitmer supported his opponent. “Joe was there for Michigan when we were back to the wall,” she told AFP during a mass in Detroit, in reference in particular to his efforts to save the auto industry from bankruptcy. after the 2008 financial crisis, when he was vice president of Barack Obama. “I think the election will be close in Michigan,” predicted the governor of the Rust Belt, an industrial region in the northern United States. The latest polls give Joe Biden a 6-point lead.

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