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Before the train takes passengers to Prague Airport by trolleybus

The long-planned railway connection between the airport and Masaryk Railway Station is not scheduled for seven years later. For the branch from the existing Prague-Kladno line, the documentation for the zoning decision is still being processed and no land has been purchased.

The situation should be different for large three-section trolleybuses that the transport company wants to buy. “This is a replacement of existing diesel buses with partial three-section trolleybuses. Part of the plan is the construction of the relevant charging and power infrastructure. Of the total length of the 7.5 km line, the trolleybus will run about 5 km below the trolleyway running along the existing city roads, “the municipality wrote in a justification that appeared on its official notice board.

The new trolleys should appear on Evropská Street and further on K Letišti Street around its third terminal. Bidirectional contact of the contact wires is assumed. The investment should amount to up to 900 million crowns, including the acquisition of trolleybuses. Three-link connections, up to 25 meters long, were considered to take in the number of people who drop planes in Prague.

As the massive influx of tourists has stopped since the spring and the city’s incomes have been declining, it is not clear whether Prague will not delay investment in trolleybuses. However, the timetables of the diesel buses of line 119 have not been significantly changed, the buses also serve the Dědina housing estate. For the “electrification of line 119”, as the city called the plan, it is necessary not only a new power line on new poles, but also a new electricity substation and facilities in the beet garages.

Trolleys would not lead everywhere, cars would be helped by batteries to the proposed speed of 50 km / h in part of the route. However, it would be necessary to build a charging point at the airport, similar to the one created on Palmovka for the trolleybus line to Letňany.

Railway with question mark

Electrification is also planned for the modernization of the railway to Kladno with a turn to the airport. If large-capacity trolleybuses used to run there and tourism resumed, it is not clear whether a branch should be built at all. The railway administration has not yet whistled the plan.

“A second track and traction line will be added for the operation of electric trains. Some anti-noise measures, architectural solutions and technical details are not yet final. The daily number of transported persons in the section Prague-Ruzyně – Hostivice will increase from the current seven thousand to 27 thousand in 2030, “says the Railway Administration on the web to the current phase in the project.

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