Home » World » Before the start of the holiday: a cremation in Beit Berehov Hadrim, Gan Yavneh

Before the start of the holiday: a cremation in Beit Berehov Hadrim, Gan Yavneh

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Shortly before the start of the holiday, fire trucks were rushed to Hedrim Street in Gan Yavne, on a call about a fire in a residence. The fire, which apparently started from a barbecue in the yard, spread to the interior of the house, leaving the family without a suitable roof to live in.

As mentioned, shortly before the start of the holiday, fire trucks were rushed to Hedrim Street in Gan Yavneh, on a call about a fire in a residence. The fire, which apparently started from a barbecue in the yard, spread to the interior of the house, leaving the family without a suitable roof to live in.

From a conversation with the resident of the street, it was brought to our attention that all the family members are safe, however, apparently, the domestic animals, a cat and a parrot, did not manage to survive the fire.

Fire and rescue spokesmen stated that: “Last night there was a fire in a private house, there were no injuries. Apparently a barbecue caused the fire. The people of the house were outside the house when the forces arrived. A very big fire, the house is unfit for habitation until it is restored.”

“The family is fine, thank God there is no injury to the soul, only property,” reported Gan Yavne Net Dror Aharon, head of the Gan Yavne Council.

As soon as we know more details we will update.


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