The clown yelled on center ring that the circus was on fire. They all thought it was a clown’s antics and laughed. The clown repeated his shouts, but the spectators laughed harder and harder. They all died, including the clown, I imagine. Now comes Doctor Catastrophe (professor Nouriel Roubini, one of the most reputable economic analysts) with his book “Megathreats” under his arm and tells us that “it is very possible that the Third World War has already started.” But the thing does not stop there. He adds that “in a decade we will experience the mother of all debt crises and the end of the era of growth: tomorrow will be a time of chaos and chronic instability.” And he does not put aside “the demographic collapse, the climate emergency or the normalization of pandemics.”
I yell at the TV that I won’t watch it. It’s the advantage of being old. Books like Roubini’s should be sponsored by Johnny Walker or JB because in the face of this cluster of “mega-threats” I only see one clear and honest option: indulge in drink and frenzy. But health no longer allows me. It’s the downside of being old. So I would have to consider taking refuge in a Buddhist convent in the Himalayas, joining the Hare Krishna band or making a pilgrimage to Lourdes with Tamara Falco. More than half a century ago, I asked Sean Connery In Marbella, what would I do if tomorrow was the end of the world? He replied smiling and without letting go of his number 9 iron: “Keep playing golf.”
The infanta elena has sent Froilán to Abu Dhabi with his grandfather. But, what do those of us who don’t have a grandfather or know how to play golf do?