Home » today » News » Before Daliao gunman committed suicide, “the last figure was exposed”, he wore a hat and a T, walked calmly in the grass of the cemetery-Society-Zhongshi News

Before Daliao gunman committed suicide, “the last figure was exposed”, he wore a hat and a T, walked calmly in the grass of the cemetery-Society-Zhongshi News

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The gunman “Hei Zai” fled the first time, but was later found dead in a cemetery in Daliao, with a bullet hole in his head and a gun dropped to the side. Also his last figure after committing the crime was caught on surveillance cameras. (flip the screen)

On the afternoon of the 29th, a shooting occurred in a building of a metal factory in Baofu Road, Daliao district, Kaohsiung, which resulted in 1 dead and 1 wounded. Evidence was gathered at the scene. According to the raw materials of the equipment, it was determined that it was a drug production factory, and there were bare feet and bloody footprints. Police returned to the scene today to take away evidence and continued to track down the man nicknamed “Hei Zi”, who entered a cemetery, but when the suspect was found he had shot himself.

The shooting happened around 4:00 pm on the 29th. When the second landlord of the factory, a man surnamed Mai, came to the factory, he found that the men surnamed Ye and Huang had been killed and were lying in a pool of blood. . hit on the head, and his vitals recovered. , he continued to be treated in the hospital; while the man surnamed Huang had no signs of life at the scene, and was still pronounced dead after being sent to hospital. The gunman fled after committing the crime.

The scene is a drug production factory. In addition to decoration materials, there are also a large number of drug production tools. According to Ye Nan’s testimony, the gunman is suspected of being a man with the surname “Hei Zai.” After committing the crime, Si Nan fled the scene on foot until 3 o’clock yesterday on a hill near Neikeng in Daliao District. Police finally found the man near a cemetery in Daliao, but it is suspected that the man shot himself, with a bullet hole in his temple, and found a gun near his head.

The 34-year-old man with the surname Si, nicknamed “Hei Zai”, committed an attempted murder in Changhua in 2007 and was wanted for kidnapping for ransom in 2018. Investigate and arrest the main criminals. It was reported that the secretary suspects that an argument broke out with his accomplice that day and that he fired in a fit of rage.

The police also continued to trace the drug factory and seized 309 grams of finished ketamine products. The investigation found that the group was led by the injured man surnamed Ye and another man surnamed Li. A man surnamed “A Cheng”. The police broke through their defenses. Early this morning, Li Suan and the special case team went to an empty house in Banten, Pingtung. At first, the third-level drug ketamine was 241 grams of finished product and 1.35 kilograms of semi-finished product. However, the police suspected that other financiers or groups could be behind it, continue to trace the source and trace the source. He also suggested that prosecutors go to court for custody of any suspects who have already been arrested and continue to track down the accomplices in question and bring them to justice.

★ “China Times News Network” is looking after you – give yourself another chance! 24-hour suicide prevention hotline: 1925 (Still Love Me), lifeline: 1995, teacher Zhang hotline: 1980.

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