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Beethovenfest Bonn draws a positive balance

Bonn / Berlin (MH) – After the Corona-related cancellation in 2020, the Bonn Beethovenfest has drawn a positive balance for this year. The organizers announced on Friday evening that the occupancy rate was provisionally measured at 84 percent. Around 12,200 visitors experienced the 53 concerts, 24 of which were sold out. Another 22 concerts with free entry in the Post Tower in Bonn attracted more than 1,500 guests.

Nike Wagner

Since the Beethoven Anniversary Society BTHVN2020 and its partners have extended the funding periods, significant parts of the program planned for 2020 could be rescheduled. The conclusion of the three-week Beethoven Festival was the 2nd Symphony by Gustav Mahler, interpreted by the Mahler Chamber Orchestra under the direction of Maxime Pascal. The season motto “Resurrect, yes resurrect” got its formulation from the nickname “Resurrection Symphony”.

It was the last festival year for artistic director Nike Wagner. From November 1, 2021, she will be followed by cellist and cultural manager Steven Walter.

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