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Bees Could Hold the Secret to Stopping Breast Cancer

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In a recent scientific study conducted by the Harry Perkins Institute for Medical Research in Australia, it was shown that bees could hold the secret to treating one of the most aggressive forms of breast cancer and they even destroy it.

The specialist who did this work is Ciara Duffy, 25 years old, and according to her studies, it was shown that, in the venoms of wild bees, little studied until now, there are more original variants of melittin, the main component of their venom. , which could have applications in the breast cancer.

In the investigation, the young doctor proved that the effect of the venom of 312 bees and bumblebees from Perth and Europe works promisingly on various types of this disease.

And the results, published in the journal “Nature Precision Oncology”, are more than positive.

“We found that both bee venom and melittin significantly, selectively, and rapidly reduced the viability of triple-negative breast cancer and HER2-enriched breast cancer cells.”they explained from the institution.

In addition, they assured that the poison is extremely powerful. “We found that melittin can completely destroy cancer cell membranes within 60 minutes.” A piece of news that undoubtedly encourages many women around the world.

A light in the dark

According to scientific study, a specific concentration of bee venom caused 100% death of cancer cells with minimal effects on normal cells.

On the other hand, it was shown that, in 20 minutes, the melitina it was also able to substantially reduce chemical messages essential for cell growth and cell division that cause breast cancer.

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