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Beer vs Spirits: What Science Says About Which is Better for Your Health

Is it better to drink beer or spirits? The answer is not as obvious as we think it is: here’s what science says

The world of nutrition, especially when it has to do with that of health, often hides many doubts, many contradictions, sometimes even scientific falsehoods. For example, It has always been believed that drinking beer is better than drinking spirits. But is it really like that? The answer we were all waiting for.

Beer is certainly one of the most popular drinks in the world. Precisely for this reason it has often been the subject of studies, also regarding its harmfulness or, conversely, any benefits. Today we know that it contains phenolic or antioxidant compounds. In beer, antioxidants come primarily from barley malt, with the rest coming from hops.

We have always asked ourselves whether, for our health, it is better to drink beer or spirits. The answer, today, comes to us from studies conducted by the Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health. A somewhat dated (2003), but often cited, study conducted on 38,000 men over the age of 12 had already observed that moderate drinkers were 35% less likely to have a heart attack than non-drinkers. drinkers. And a September 2016 study published in the ‌American Journal of Public Health‌ showed that women who drank one drink a day for four days had a lower mortality risk than those who drank the same amount over one or two days. But, then, what is the truth?

Is it better to drink beer or spirits?

Most liquors, beer, spirits and wine contain ethanol. It is this form of alcohol that provides most of the health benefits of alcoholic beverages, as long as you drink in moderation, according to the Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health. Aside from minor differences, beer and spirits provide more or less the same health benefitsso it’s not really about beer versus liquor or vodka versus beer.

Is it better to drink beer or spirits? What science says – (biopianeta.it)

An advantage of spirits, or distilled liquors, is that they do not contain carbohydrates. Vodka, rum, whiskey, gin and tequila in their pure form do not contain carbohydrates, which is useful if you are trying to keep your blood sugar from spiking. Any hard alcohol when combined with a sugary mixer, such as juice or soda, takes in more calories and carbohydrates.

It should be emphasized that Moderation is the key to getting the health benefits of drinking alcohol. Drinking too much and too frequently can cause permanent damage, namely alcohol-related liver disease, which means the liver will not be able to do its job properly.

According to the American Cancer Society, alcohol consumption, especially excessive alcohol, is associated with breast cancer and cancer of the liver, esophagus, colon, rectum and larynx. Alcoholic drinks can be harmful especially for some groups of people, including those who are pregnant or trying to become pregnant, those with heart problems, those with liver or pancreatic disease, those who have had a stroke, those taking medicines that interact with alcohol.

2023-11-03 20:00:58
#drinking #beer #drinking #spirits #answer #health #risk #Bio #Pianeta

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