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Bedbugs: The Battle in New York City and Lessons for France

In housing, the cinemas and the metros, testimonies are pouring in to denounce the presence of Bedbugs. France has been worried for several days about an invasion of this blood-drinking pest, which could accelerate with the 2024 Olympic Games, the insect loving to nest in clothes and suitcases, not just beds. .

One city knew all these constraints and knew how to get through them: New York. In the Big Apple, “bed bugs” took advantage of the dilapidated buildings, the massive presence of hotels and Airbnb, all with a spectacular human density (10,194 inhabitants/km²) to make their nests.

“All my friends have bedbugs”

In the early 2000s, the infection did much more than just jump. In 2004, the city counted only “537” reports… compared to 24,000 in 2010. Values ​​which are undoubtedly below reality, since these are only voluntary reports. But, he is sometimes difficult to admit that your home is contaminated.

Rich or poor, New Yorkers were all victims of the situation. Including the entourage of mayor (2002-2013) and billionaire Michael Bloomberg. “All my friends have bedbugs!” he told local councilor Gale Brewer.

It was also not uncommon to come across pests in prestigious places like the offices of the New York Times or the huge Victoria’s Secret store in Manhattan. “Bed bugs” have been found even in panties and other bras.

“We’ve had enough!”

At the height of the crisis, on July 29, 2010, the town hall took the bull by the horns. On the steps of City Hall, Christine Quinn, a city councilor, declared war on bedbugs.

“Die. Your days are over! We have had enough and we are bringing funds to fight you and drive you out of the five boroughs,” exclaimed the representative of the Municipal Council.

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The town hall has committed $500,000 ($750,000 when correcting for inflation) to carry out its offensive. Money distributed to finance an information web portal on the fight against the six-legged enemy and recruit a team dedicated to eliminating bedbugs.

At the same time, the State of New York has put pressure on owners. They were forced to warn potential tenants of the presence of insects in their accommodation in the last 12 months. An argument which can be very useful in forcing “landlords” to treat their surfaces in the hope of finding a tenant.

New Yorkers are also prohibited from abandoning their mattresses in the street without wrapping them in plastic film under penalty of a fine: 100 small dollars.

Content problem

When the city announced this battery of measures, New Yorkers were quick to rail against their announced ineffectiveness. Records from the beginning of the previous decade show many incredulous looks at this policy. And yet, the data provided by the megacity shows that the trend has quickly reversed:

New York seems to have won a battle, but not the war. Bedbugs still make their nests in old buildings and occasionally reappear on the front pages of newspapers. In any case, it is virtually impossible to eradicate these insects for good. In the absence of a magic solution, the problem is contained.

Original article published on BFMTV.com

2023-10-03 07:00:00
#Bedbugs #York #managed #sudden #explosion

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