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Bedbugs invade (again) the North Hospital

Bedbugs have not finished invading Marseille. After the Mucem at the beginning of the summer, the emergency room of the North hospital is the other target of this creature. While the AP-HM unveiled its action plan on August 19 to fight against the spread of these bedbugs, the SUD delegates are asking that specific actions be taken for the Cap 72 psychiatric service, due to the particular vulnerability of its patients. A phenomenon that can be found ” increasingly among the most precarious patients “, according to Kader Benayed, deputy general secretary of the Sud Santé 13 union. ” This problem needs to be managed at the municipal level. »he believes.

Staff concerned about the situation

A service that is all the more complicated to manage by the staff since ” People in psychiatry are isolated. When you want to wash some patients, it’s difficult because they see fleas on them that they don’t want to kill. “, Kader exasperates. The union representative denounces the fact that the caregivers in the psychiatric service are not equipped with protective clothing. Bedbugs don’t choose which departments they’ll inhabit. We need a comprehensive plan “, he insists. In addition to the difficulties encountered by caregivers in the hospital, once they arrive home, the staff is psychologically impacted by this problem. In addition to the three measures addressed to the CHS-CT, namely reinforced screening, the adapted disinfection protocol and increased protection of staff, the SUD delegates are asking for sniffer dogs to detect bedbugs in every corner of the hospital center.

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