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Bed-bath-bread only for those who have exhausted all legal remedies who cooperate with departure

The Inlia Foundation in Groningen organizes shelter for asylum seekers who have exhausted all legal remedies and has co-developed the bed-bath-bread locations. Chairman John van Tilborg thinks it is unwise to only offer shelter to those who cooperate in their return, as the new government coalition wants.

“People who have not been deported by the Repatriation and Departure Service of the Ministry of Justice, but who end up on the street, are received in the LVVs to combat illegality and to remove obstacles to return. But it can also involve obstacles. that stand in the way of their legalization.”

It is Van Tilborg’s experience that not everyone has been rightly rejected. “And not on the street, but in such a reception location people find peace again to think about their future.”

Both Van Tilborg and Groen in ‘t Woud hope that the new cabinet will also continue to focus on return processes that offer people perspective. “It is therefore important that organizations such as Bridge to Better continue to maintain their funding”, Groen in ‘t Woud calls on the cabinet.

New drug: declaration of undesirability

The new cabinet also hopes to be more successful in returning unwanted aliens with other measures. The Verwey-Jonker Institute estimated last year that there are about 18,000 to 27,000 foreign nationals in the Netherlands who are not entitled to stay or receive reception from the government.

If they cause a nuisance and come from a safe country, these people can receive a so-called undesirability declaration. This is expected to make it easier to lock them up in detention and then deport them from the country.

Better agreements with countries of origin

Whether this actually succeeds remains dependent on the countries of origin. For example, taking back nationals by Morocco and Iraq is now difficult. The future government parties hope to tackle this problem by making agreements on trade, legal migration and visas.

Another group of people that is difficult to evict are families. There are seven special family locations for failed families. These are different locations than the LVVs, where mainly single people stay. In order to encourage the departure of the rejected families, their children will soon receive education in their own language in that reception centre. It is still unclear whether this means that they no longer go to a regular school in neighboring villages or towns. These children also have compulsory education as long as they are of compulsory school age.

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