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“Become weather-aware!” – new campaign on extreme weather presented | NDR.de – News

Status: 24.09.2024 18:26

“Become weather-aware!” – that is the title of a new campaign by the Hamburg Environmental Authority, which Senator Jens Kerstan (Greens) presented on Tuesday. The aim is to provide citizens with all relevant information on extreme weather events so that they can prepare better.

The city itself is already taking numerous precautions – from expanding the dykes to building rainwater retention basins. There are funding programs for green roofs and for unsealing areas. But Hamburg will have to prepare for more, said Kerstan when presenting the campaign. “We have more frequent, longer and more intense heat waves. We have more frequent and more intense heavy rain and faster and higher storm surges.”

AUDIO: Hamburg launches information campaign on extreme weather (1 min)

Information on many channels

Last year there were 31 days with heavy rain, this year there have already been 28. In order to be better prepared for this, to know how everyone can protect their belongings, for example, there are now posters, flyers, information evenings and the dissemination of the relevant information via social media channels.

Kerstan: Hamburg must continue to invest in climate protection

However, the information alone would not be enough, stressed Kerstan. Hamburg must also continue to invest in climate protection. On the website www.extremwetter.hamburg In future you should receive all information.

Ole Wackermann and Maiken Nielsen stand in front of a background showing the Hamburg harbor and the Elphilharmonie in the evening and smile into the camera. © NDR; picture alliance / Westend61 | Willing-Holtz Photo: Arman Ahmadi

AUDIO: Podcast Hamburg Today: How Hamburgers should prepare for climate change (13 min)

More information

Hamburg city centre. © picture alliance / imageBROKER | McPHOTO / Rainer Waldkirch Photo: Rainer Waldkirch

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NDR 90.3 | NDR 90.3 Current | 24.09.2024 | 3:00 p.m.

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