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Become an actor in History, on May 7 and 8 in Poix-du-Nord

Poix-du-Nord will relive historical scenes of its occupation thanks to the NUTS association, which takes you back to 1940. A journey through time for which it is looking for extras.

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While a war – a real one – has just broken out at the gates of Europe, the NUTS association is working to ensure that the town of Poix does not forget its past, including its darkest hours. So don’t be surprised if a German officer accosted you at Poix-du-Nord, rue Henri Roland, on 7 and 8 May. Perhaps he will ask you for your papers? Or go your way, who knows? And around the corner, did you see Simon, Sarah and their three children trying to flee the city? Certainly, here, they have their whole life but… the small Jewish family knows that they are in danger, since the boots of the Wehrmacht beat the pavement of the Podéenne city. Ah, if you go for a walk in Poix on May 7 and 8, it might be funny. And for good reason, you will not be in 2022 but… in 1940.

As if you were there

“We want to bring history to lifeexplains Bruno Lebigot, of the NUTS association (see box). And for that, we create immersive events. In short, we reconstruct scenes and moments of life as they may have taken place during the Second World War, while involving the public. And the association is not pretending since rue Henri Roland will be cut off from traffic. The only vehicles that you will come across will therefore be vintage. “In reality, there will be two events. The first will consist in plunging one of the streets of Poix into full occupation, with a “spectacle” on Saturday which will retrace an emblematic scene. And the second will be to recreate an Allied encampment at Keighley Hall.” In addition to German soldiers on motorcycles, you may also see… The rest of your article here.

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