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become a professional sex toy tester! Yes, work can be fun

Dream Job Alert: Become a Professional Sex Toy Tester! – Abaca

Does the secret to happiness lie in a fulfilling sex life? This is not a question that we will find in the baccalaureate in philosophy in 2023, but one that deserves to be asked nonetheless. And that’s okay, the LoveHoney company is ready to do anything to find the answer, since it is now offering 500 people in France the opportunity to test sex toys for fun and thus allow as many people as possible to make them. much !

Working to be able to live with dignity is probably the worst concept ever invented when we could spend our days on our couch binge-watching Netflix until the platform cares about our health or going around the world (on foot/by bike, because we respect ecology here).

Is it possible to combine passion and work?

Between physically or mentally exhausting jobs, schedules that prevent us from seeing the sun all day, customers who take it out on us for forgetting their VDM or even retirement that gradually becomes a simple mirage, the world of work is was clearly invented by someone even more sadistic than the creator of game of Thrones.

However, as incredible as it may seem, sometimes there are some dream jobs that combine passion/pleasure with money. Over the past few years, we’ve seen one company offer $120,000 to spend a year testing luxury hotels, another offer $100 an hour to pet puppies, and yet another promise a $1,000 check to look.. all movies Harry Potter. Proof that miracles exist.

The ultimate dream job to have fun

And precisely, speaking of pleasure, Guillaume Genton took advantage of his show The morning without a filter to reveal that he had just unearthed a new…

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