Home » today » Health » Because you don’t have to drink before anesthesia and all the other things not to do

Because you don’t have to drink before anesthesia and all the other things not to do

Why don’t you have to drink before anesthesia and all the other things not to do what they are? Before surgery in the hospital, the patient is always summoned by the medical team for the so-called preoperative phase.

Among these there is also the anesthetist who collects a lot of data and information about the patient. From previous pathologies to any ongoing diseases, and passing through any allergies in order to reduce, under anesthesia, the risk of side effects and complications.

The anesthetist asks the patient, among other things, for detailed information on any medications that are taken regularly. And also those taken in the more recent past. The anesthetist could also ask us to stop smoking a few days before the surgery.

It’s not possible, that’s why

As to why you shouldn’t drink before anesthesia and all the other things not to do, the anesthesiologist is always very thorough. In fact, in the operating room the patient will have to present not only without drinking before anesthesia, but also without eating. And this is because in this way the risks that the gastric contents of the stomach can be dangerously transferred into the lungs.

You can’t drink and you can’t even eat before anesthesia, here are the timing

Drinking before anesthesia is therefore strictly prohibited. In fact, it will be precisely the anesthetist to indicate the timing that for not eating is generally equal to 6 hours before the surgery. While for drinking it is asked not to do it starting two hours before entering the operating room.

In addition to the ban on eating and drinking, at the end of the interview the anesthetist could also require the patient to temporarily stop taking certain drugs. For example, if the patient is taking medication anticoagulants.

It is also necessary to avoid, before surgery, any operation that could increase the risk of contracting infections. For example, it is wrong to shave or wax the day before the operation due to possible cuts to the face or small abrasions to the legs.

(We remind you to carefully read the warnings in this regard, which can be consulted who”)

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