Home » today » World » Because of the Ukraine war: Hundreds of Deutsche Bank programmers are moving from Russia to Berlin – Berlin

Because of the Ukraine war: Hundreds of Deutsche Bank programmers are moving from Russia to Berlin – Berlin

Deutsche Bank brings hundreds of programmers from its technology center in Russia to Berlin. Germany’s largest money house have offered all about 1,500 employees of their Russian IT center, which is spread over the St. Petersburg and Moscow locations, a job in Germany, reported the “Handelsblatt” (Tuesday), citing insiders.

A mid three-digit number of employees have already moved to the bank’s new technology center in Berlin. Deutsche Bank declined to comment on the report when asked.

At the beginning of March, Deutsche Bank announced that it considered the operational risks from a possible closure of the technology center in Russia to be “very limited”: “It is just one of the bank’s several technology centers worldwide; a failure therefore does not represent a significant risk for global business operations.” Deutsche Bank operates other IT centers in Bucharest, in the USA and in India.

In the interim report for the first quarter, the Dax group struck a more cautious tone with regard to its technology center in Russia: “We are exposed to the risk that our ability to use these technology resources will be impaired or lost, e.g. E.g. due to Western sanctions, state-initiated measures in Russia or management measures.”

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With the relocation of staff that has now been initiated, Deutsche Bank is limiting its risk of losing specialist knowledge if tensions between the EU and Russia over the Russian attack on Ukraine make it impossible to continue operating the technology center in Russia, writes the “Handelsblatt”. (dpa)

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