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Because crossing your legs is not good for your health, experts confirm

Crossing or crossing your legs is a habit that many have. Just look around us in any waiting room and we will notice that there are many people with crossed legs. Although it is a position that women prefer, men are also not immune. People tend to cross their legs when bored and try to change positions often. But for some people it’s really a constant and it could lead to quite a few problems.

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Legs slightly crossed in profile and immediately one thinks of a famous film. But this position can actually cause posture problems. It can cause lower back tension but also knee problems. It is essential to always keep a correct posture if we do not want to end up with annoying back problems.

Because crossing your legs is not good for your health, experts confirm

One study has shown what has always been suspected. That being with your legs crossed brings not only postural problems but also circulation problems. The studio in question wanted to demonstrate that the patient’s position affected the measurement of blood pressure. The results confirmed that systolic pressure increased considerably in hypertensive subjects. And even more so in diabetic patients.

So it can be said with certainty that crossing the legs leads to an increase in pressure. This can make the heart fatigue. So better avoid causing more problems. Also, veins stressed in this way can swell or become clogged. And consequently the risk of it can also increase vene varicose.

That’s why crossing your legs is not good for your health, experts confirm. Now that we know with certainty that it is not a position to hold, we try to avoid it as much as possible. If this habit is hard to break then let’s cross our ankles. According to the study, there were no significant changes in the measurement when crossing the ankles.


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