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Beautiful initiative on the part of Will Smith’s son to help a homeless person

For the military, artists tend to stand out in the news worldwide for their problems and personal issues, the predominant target in these cases are those who love drama, fights and traumatic endings..

That is why actions as noble as this must travel the world undaunted and thus serve as an example for the rest of humanity. And I am talking about Jaden Smith, the son of the notorious and more than grateful actor Will Smith. Who undoubtedly inherited not only his father’s good physique and sense of humor but also an aristocratic heart, ready to help others.

This little boy of only 22 years of existence was prepared to wish a helping hand to the most required “I was truly concerned about the fact that as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, many families will be left without any type of income and sustenance for their home.”

It is no secret to anyone that this pandemic wiped out everything in its path and caused incalculable damage at the economic level in all countries of the world. It is for this reason that Jaden thinking of the most needy he set out to create a prison of Food Trucks of amusing and one hundred percent vegan food.

“At first it was hard to meet the needs of so many people, I did not know or did not understand the magnitude of the damage that I was going to face.” To the surprise of the Smith When the photos on social networks became viral, they began to delay large donations to contribute and support the high initiative of the little one.

The name of this beautiful scheme is The I Love You (ILY) since without a doubt this is a great show of serious and sincere sympathy for the most required, timely because its concept is very clear, its only objective is to be able to give it food and a roof for the most vulnerable.

“We only provide free vegan food to the homeless.”

“It is sad to see how all the rulers of the countries implemented restrictions and confinement for months and then to see how in the street there were hundreds of people looking for a roof to shelter because simply life continued, there are bills to pay and without any income at home they made it untenable ”.

Many families were left on the street, without having to swallow or get out in front. This initiative undoubtedly helped heal more than one broken heart.

“Until now we have been able to feed everyone who has needed it and in addition to that we have provided them with a small basic kit to avoid spreading the virus and thus protect each other, such as antibacterial gel, mouth cover, gloves, among other things.”

With actions and initiatives like this one, there is no doubt that the good ones are more and that there is always someone willing to greet a helping hand to the most needed.

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The entry Beautiful initiative on the part of Will Smith’s son to help a homeless person was first published in Because it didn’t occur to me.

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