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Beautiful and functional lingerie for breast cancer survivors

In a world where beauty is often defined by unattainable standards, a ray of hope emerges: an inclusive underwear brand, created especially for women who have survived breast cancer. Inspired by the stories of her own aunts, Catalina García Quitián has founded the brand Myrina World with the purpose of providing support and visibility to the limited bra options available, since finding the right one can be difficult. For this reason, it is essential to have alternatives that offer comfort and support.

A brand born from a personal experience

Catalina’s journey began at a time of vulnerability, when, listening to her aunts talk about the void they felt when looking for clothes that celebrated their femininity after facing one of the biggest battles of their lives, she realized the deep need that existed: “I found that there were no clothes designed for them and if there were, they were orthopedic garments, and it was unthinkable to be able to mention the word breast cancer in any women’s underwear store,” says the founder.

That feeling of sadness prompted her to found Mryrina World, with the aim of offering an alternative to all survivors. Her intention was to create beautiful, comfortable and functional garments that would meet their needs and accompany them in the process of coping with the changes their bodies were experiencing.

Bras designed for all women, with special attention to breast cancer survivors

The brand’s initial idea was to create bras that would be appropriate for all women, with specific features that would make them especially suitable for breast cancer survivors. To do this, personalized interviews were conducted to find out what these women look for in garments of this type.

What are these bras like? “They look like a normal bra, but with a less pronounced neckline, since many women, after undergoing surgery, can have scars,” explains Catalina García Quitián. The founder of the brand points out that, in their search for the ideal bra, they identified the need to offer adequate support that does not cause discomfort in the scar area and that presents a more discreet neckline. In addition, they have incorporated pockets in the bras so that users can insert prostheses.

“We have also added a bit of volume in the nipple area to simulate it, as many women told us that they felt that detail was missing,” she said on Radio Nacional.

The Blanca bra, an inclusive and adaptable design

It is important to note that there are those who prefer not to undergo breast reconstruction. For this reason, they decided to create the “Blanca” bra, designed especially to meet their needs. This bra has a removable system, which allows the right and left pieces to be used or purchased separately, or both, as the user wishes.

A line of swimwear to make women feel comfortable and safe

Catalina García Quitián says that it is important to highlight that many women are increasingly more confident about their bodies and do not feel uncomfortable going topless, without worrying about showing scars or the lack of a breast, which I think is wonderful. However, there is also a group of survivors who still do not feel comfortable with their image or who prefer to cover their scars for reasons of personal sensitivity. That is why they offer this type of clothing.

They currently have four models: two bikinis and two swimsuits, and the garments follow a similar dynamic. “For example, one of the products we offer, called Hebe, is available in two versions: one as a bikini and one as a swimsuit, maintaining the same design,” she explains.

She also points out that the bikini includes a kind of scarf that can be placed on the right or left side. On the other hand, “the second swimsuit has a lycra washer that provides comfort to the woman, especially in the chest area.”

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