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Beaumont-de-Lomagne. Science is celebrating

When Beaumont-de-Lomagne celebrates science, there is something for everyone but like every year, the priority for Sabine, Camille and Théa, from Fermat Science, is the students. From today Tuesday October 8 to Friday October 10, first come first served, young people of all ages will have the first of the activities organized as part of this 33rd Science Festival on the theme “Ocean of knowledge”. Then, from Saturday and all day Sunday, there will be room for the family public and those curious about science who will in turn be welcomed with a concert, two conferences and free workshops all day long, not to mention access at the Fermat museum.

The speakers invited for the days reserved for schools are diverse but they have in common the desire to stimulate interest in science among young people. These are the Fermat Science associations, of course, but also Digijeunes, Wakaba, Ouroboros, Learn’Oc, the FabLab Le Dynamik, Planète Sciences Occitanie, Les Maths en scène, Les Francas, the Ligue de l’enseignement 82, Dominique Souder, the magimathematician, as well as the teams from the Château de Gramont and the intercommunal media library.

Hundreds of students welcomed

Several hundred students will be welcomed to Beaumont in this context for three dense days, full of exciting activities in no less than 20 different workshops.

To learn to create for yourself, to reflect on the ocean and water in general, to explore the bastide of Beaumont thanks to a game combining math and heritage.

And if by chance, the young public, who will benefit from all these activities, discover the desire to push the advantage further and acquire other knowledge, the mediators present on these festive days will be able to consider that they have not not waste their time, because that is what the science festivals are for which are spread throughout the national territory and in Beaumont-de-Lomagne, in the homeland of this man who played with science throughout his life. science and more precisely with mathematics, Pierre de Fermat.

Information and reservation museefermat.com/evenements/ 05 63 26 52 30 [email protected]

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