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Beaumont-de-Lomagne. Forum: young people and their health

The Beaumont-de-Lomagne Youth Information Point welcomed 250 young people to the village hall, at its annual Youth Health Forum. CM and 6th graders from Beaumont schools: Despeyrous and Saint-Joseph colleges, and Pierre de Fermat primary school actively participated in workshops on various themes. These workshops were led by professionals: Léo Lagrange on the theme of emotions, the Addictions France Association on the use of screens, the teaching league on school bullying, Les Francas 82 on girl/boy equality, dieticians detached by the Midi-Gascogne clinic with a workshop on reading packaging to know how to find hidden sugars, the national gendarmerie on cyber harassment and the dangers of the net, a specialist educator Ms. Dupuy on the rights of the child. Terminale students from LEAP de Lestonnac also actively participated in this forum by creating and leading workshops on food and sleep and by welcoming the classes. The students really enjoyed these very fun days and left with additional knowledge that they can put into practice in their daily lives.

Cultural center, 5 rue Lomagne. Beaumont. 05 63 65 61 07. [email protected]. Open Tuesday 9.30am/noon and 2pm/5.30pm, Wednesday and Friday 2pm/5pm, Thursday 1.30pm/5.30pm.

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