On October 18, after several days of careful tracking of bears, both animals, which were initially seen wandering around the farmsteads of Valka region, were finally found in Grundzāle parish of Smiltene region, successfully put to sleep and separated.

According to the method of intimidation implemented in Valka region, both bears had moved to Loberģi village, Bilskas parish, Smiltene region, where they continued their usual search for food by visiting homesteads. Therefore, on the night of October 13, with the coordination of the specialists of the Nature Protection Board, the implementation of the next alternative was started – sorting bears to move each of them to another remote area at a sufficient distance from populated areas.

How the bears were tracked and sorted, says the head of the Action Group, director of the Vidzeme Regional Administration of the Nature Protection Board Rolands Auzins and a representative of the Environmental Solutions Institute Guido Prudnikovich.

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