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Bear Trapped in Car Released by Police in Western United States


A bear trapped in a car released by the police

A bear trapped in the backseat of a car has been freed by police in the western United States, who used a rope to avoid ending up between its paws.


Image d’illustration.


Alerted to rescue the animal in distress, the officers of the Sheriff’s Office in Washoe, Nevada, had to improvise. The black bear had managed to climb into the vehicle, parked in a parking lot. He was probably looking for food, but got trapped when the door closed.

To deliver him, an officer carefully tied a rope around the door handle, according to a video posted on social media on Sunday. Once in cover, he pulled on this improvised cable and the bear immediately ran off into the woods without asking for his rest. The plantigrade apparently seemed quite badly licked: frustrated by his confinement, he left behind him a tattered, completely shredded interior.

Black bears, the most widespread species in North America, can weigh up to 270 kg. With a strong sense of smell, these omnivores can smell food from very far away, which sometimes prompts them to interact with humans.

“Spring is an active time (…) and it’s good to remember to watch out for bears when enjoying nature,” the Washoe County Sheriff’s Office said on Twitter. “Be careful of food wrappers, coolers and scented items in vehicles. Avoid leaving food in cars. (…) Do not feed the bears!” he added.

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2023-05-30 22:45:44

#bear #trapped #car #released #police

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