The Bank of Central African States (BEAC) is actively seeking a consultant to set up a digital platform. This should allow it to more easily collect the data it needs on the insurance companies in its area. This collection will be done in particular by monitoring control and scoring reports.
“The monitoring of companies must be done with a view to a lasting improvement in the risk profile of the company or, conversely, a minimization of the pre-liquidation period to avoid leaving companies on the market. ‘insolvent insurance which plagues the compensation mechanism between insurers for claims and automobile recourse, for example ”, indicates the information.
Interested providers have until December 15, 2021 to express their interest to the BEAC. The consultant retained will have to provide several modules such as the positioning of insurance companies on the electronic map, reading the summary of information on an insurance company just by hovering over its icon on the map, consulting the control indicators, monitoring the evolution of control indicators over a period.