Home » today » Technology » Be tricked by scammers to click the link! To suck up money, the mobile phone is blocked, it cannot be switched off, what should I do?

Be tricked by scammers to click the link! To suck up money, the mobile phone is blocked, it cannot be switched off, what should I do?

After last week, there have been 2 news reports ongang of criminalsCalling pretending to be in contact with the Revenue Agency (Or maybe other government agencies in the future) to add friends in Line. and send a link to check your tax information. that tries to name domains like that of the Revenue Agency, but it is not, that is, the Revenue Agency will be https://www.rd.go.th/ but the scammer’s link sent will be http://www.rd-go-th.com At this point, technically there are two things to note: High security links must be prefixed https: //, not http: // , and government websites end with .go.th, not .com or .net or others, but this one understands Most scammers have techniques to force us to make quick decisions. he hasn’t noticed it well enough

from both cases [อ่านข่าว] will come too As mentioned above and when you click the link !! what happened was The logo of the Revenue Agency will be shown on the mobile phone. with a message that says check Do not use the phone Even now we know that we are deceived, by wanting to use it, we cannot use it. the car will freeze cannot shut down What is happening now is that the scammers are remotely controlling our cellphone. To transfer money from a bank account from our banking application to a fraudulent account. that’s another horse account Now all our money is lost.Yes

cheaters in thailand rd go th cellphone freezes criminals suck money
Image source: https://www.khaosod.co.th/around-thailand/news_7268233

So what do we do? When you are duped by a scammer, click on a link like this! To suck up money, the cell phone is locked, it can’t turn off

In that case, if it happens to ourselves, it is important that when we are aware Knowing that we are being deceived by scammers, we must first “focus”.Yes Don’t panic, be frantic, helpless, because using a remote phone to transfer money in this case takes time. Note that in the original report of the young man losing 56,000 baht, the scammers claimed that the victims transferred the money to Bank A, which was a way to speed up the remote transfer. Show that time matters.Therefore, if we can stop the process in time, we can relax or survive the damage. So what to do when we can’t turn it off? The answer is take out the SIM card from the device and turn off the WiFi. This is referred to as effective. For those who have almost been victims of similar cases

scammers in thailand scammers suck link links
Image source: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=5203486169774402&set=a.309999849123083&type=3

The same was true of a young man who lost 56,000 baht when he clicked on the link (scammers now see all screens) while talking to the scammers. The scammers told us to transfer the money to bank account A. This could be a way to know the bank app password that we normally use the same password. But in the case of a girl who lost 1,458,000 baht, she didn’t specify many details, so she couldn’t confirm it. But she also reminds us that banking apps may not be as easily hacked as many people are concerned. But because by pressing the link the phone is remote and the password is indirectly communicated via the money transfer as recommended by the scammers. Or it can be used to scan our faces.

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toI am not blaming the victim for clicking on untrusted links. I am writing to take lessons and suggest ways to prevent and solve similar problems in the future. This is considered an important lesson for banks as they need to find a way to prevent remote cell phones in this way. Not just focusing on customer facilitation. It must also be very safe. Should there be more security features to choose from?

Also, if the responsible agency uses this case as an example. Work proactively to inspect domains close to government agencies. and thus make a permanent block. It is considered protective to some extent. Even though we know these scammers will always make new jokes, but old jokes, we should fill that loophole first. to prevent new scammers

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