This summer, many people have gotten rid of their best friend. Maybe they shouldn’t have.
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Three weeks ago we got a puppy. Her name is Saga, and she is a black and white cocker spaniel. She makes the whole family talk in baby voices and crawl around on the floor.
I had no idea it was possible to fall so in love with a little furball.
But oh, how tiring it is to have a puppy!
I’ve never had a dog before, so the learning curve is steep. I had no idea how often such a small puppy poops (up to seven times a day). Or that she would have a fit and try to raze the whole living room.
Puppy life is intense.
One evening I ended up volunteering to shop at Rema. There I wandered between the shelves and felt free. I haven’t done that since the kids were tiny.
I am not alone in feeling that the responsibility of a pet can weigh heavily.
Animal Protection reports that a record number of people are now getting rid of their pets. The association for the relocation of animals (FOD) has also had a hectic summer. They bring in so many animals that they struggle to take care of them all.
Dumper coronadyr
Animal protection believes that it is the so-called corona animals that are now being dumped. Animals we acquired during the pandemic, when we all lived stable lives with home offices. In that bubble it fit perfectly with a dog or a cat. Imagine how cozy it is to have a cat creeping along your legs during a video meeting with your colleagues.
Now, when the world has opened up, it doesn’t go as well with an animal sitting at home waiting for a ride, food and cuddles. For now we want to experience life out there. Then the solution is to relocate.
These are animals that do not know any other life than with their family. Some are quite spoiled with cuddles and attention too, because they have been used to someone being at home with them all day.
But now it’s over.
It no longer fits, and the family gets in the car and delivers their pet for relocation.
According to a new rapport Norway is the worst in terms of use and disposal in the whole of Europe. Does this also apply to our pets? In any case, animal protection calls what they see now one use-and-throw mentality.
But an animal is not something you throw away when you get bored.