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Be careful … these symptoms mean you have germs in your stomach

In recent times, “stomach germ” infections of unknown causes and symptoms have spread, as their symptoms are similar to other symptoms of stomach disease, including stomach infections or chronic ulcers that do not respond to treatment. appropriate. Only by doing appropriate analyzes.

Methods of infection with stomach germs

On his official page on the social networking site “Facebook”, digestive and liver consultant Dr. Atef Al-Salamouni revealed the ways in which the stomach germ is transmitted, as follows:

  • through food
  • impure water
  • Contact with the saliva of an infected person, such as sharing food or utensils with an infected person or kissing
Be careful … these symptoms mean you have germs in your stomach

Stomach Germ Symptoms

Dr. Atef Al-Salamouni, a digestive and liver consultant, explained the symptoms of stomach germs, as follows:

  • excessive burping
  • Heartburn and abdominal pain
  • Nausea, vomiting and a feeling of bloating
  • Change in stool color
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • lack of appetite


And the digestive and liver consultant indicated that the complications of stomach germs are:

  • Duodenal and gastric ulcers
  • In some cases, it can lead to stomach cancer

Germ stomach

Stomach germ is a type of gram-negative bacterium that colonizes the mucous membranes of the stomach and duodenum and 80% of those infected with it are without symptoms or complications and it is not possible to confirm that a person is infected with stomach germs until after you have conducted your own medical tests, and when the appropriate treatment is performed, blood tests should be performed because only they can detect the cure, because antibodies can be present for a long time after recovery.

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