During the summer we often allow ourselves some well-deserved relaxation. Unfortunately, however, the heat and some typical habits of this period can have serious consequences on our health. Experts warn us to pay particular attention to hygiene during the summer and for good reason. In the heat, infections throughout the body spread more easily. For example, we’ve already talked about how easy it is to get a urinary tract infection or the mycosis. However, we must also be careful if we experience discomfort in this part of the body in August. Let’s see what it is and what its causes are so as to eliminate the problem in the bud.
A very sensitive part of the body
There is a part of the body that needs constant care if we want to avoid even serious problems. In fact, this does not go on vacation in the summer, on the contrary, it is even more sensitive. This is mainly due to the high temperatures that favor the proliferation of bacteria. They will then be the ones to cause inflammation and infections. For this, we must absolutely try to prevent them by paying particular attention to hygiene. The part of the body that we need to keep under close surveillance in the summer is the mouth, especially the teeth.
Be careful if in August we feel discomfort in this part of the body
We’ve talked about the influence of heat on our dental health, but there may be other causes behind our teeth discomfort. In fact, according to i dentists, during the summer we are more inclined to eat sugary foods such as ice cream and sugary drinks. We know that this ingredient is very harmful to the teeth because it attacks the enamel. In addition, in this period we often happen to be away from home and therefore we do not brush our teeth immediately after eating. Thus bacterial plaque has a clear path to create gingivitis, abscesses and tooth decay. And if we ignore the problem for too long, the infection can reach other parts of the body as well. Indeed, it can enter the blood causing serious diseases up to a heart attack. In short, it is really worth giving the necessary care to our teeth to avoid similar consequences.
What to do to keep your teeth healthy even in summer
First, we absolutely have to brush our teeth every time we eat. So let’s take our toothbrush and toothpaste with us. Let’s also make sure not to put it together with other items like makeup and brushes to prevent bacteria from spreading. When we just can’t use the toothbrush, we use unsweetened xylitol gum. If our teeth are sensitive, we avoid very cold foods. In general then, we should avoid food and drink with simple sugars, also thinking that they are certainly not good for the line. We drink often, because if the mouth dries up, sugars and acids remain in the mouth longer.
(We remind you to carefully read the warnings regarding this article, which can be consulted who”)