Home » today » Business » Be careful because this Bonus of up to 500 euros for families with ISEE up to 40,000 euros has its days numbered

Be careful because this Bonus of up to 500 euros for families with ISEE up to 40,000 euros has its days numbered

Before summer 2020, after the first lockdown, the Conte government launched the holiday bonus. Basically, a voucher to allow families to have a few days of relaxation, after those weeks closed at home. On the other hand, giving oxygen to tourist activities while they were in the midst of the economic crisis.

This Bonus up to 500 euros (this other Bonus, on the other hand, has a maximum ceiling of up to 1,000 euros) it was requested but it didn’t really take off as expected. The proof is given by the fact that, after a year, there are still many vouchers requested and not spent. According to available data, at the end of summer 2021 there were about 850 thousand unused vouchers.

However, be careful because this Bonus of up to 500 euros for families with ISEE up to 40,000 euros has the days numbered to use it.

What is the holiday bonus up to 500 euros

This Bonus is part of the package of initiatives provided for by the Relaunch decree (DL 34/2020) and provides for an economic contribution of up to 500 euros.

The amount is to be spent for the payment of services and tourist packages offered along the Peninsula. These can be B & Bs, tourist accommodation companies, agritourisms, travel agencies and tour operators. In fact, we recall that the recent law 106/2021 has also included agencies and tour operators.

The Bonus is for families with ISEE up to 40,000 euros. To calculate the ISEE, the DSU, the Single Substitute Declaration, is required. This document contains the personal data, income and assets of the nucleus requesting the voucher.

Its amount, in fact, varies according to the size of the family unit:

  • 500 euros if there are 3 or more components;
  • 300 euros for the nucleus consisting of 2 people;
  • 150 euros for a single person.

Is it possible to claim this Bonus?

The Holiday Bonus is completely digital and could have been required just last year. In fact, in 2021 the legislator did not foresee any reopening of the terms.

So those who requested it from July 1st to December 31st 2020 have time until December 31st 2021 to use it. In other words, in 80 days it will expire forever, barring twists and turns of the last hour.

For those who have already spent it or have never asked for it in 2020, the voucher can no longer be requested today.

Be careful because this Bonus of up to 500 euros for families with ISEE up to 40,000 euros has its days numbered

Therefore, those who still have these vouchers should “hurry up” so as not to miss the opportunity to take a holiday with a discount. To about, the “Travel and Tourism” section of ProiezionidiBorsa offers a vast range of tourist solutions where you can go even in autumn.

The holders of these vouchers will be able to spend them in a single solution. The expense may concern the services offered by a single accommodation facility or a tourist package proposed by a travel agency or tour operator.

The consideration must be certified either by electronic invoice or by a commercial document, made out to the tax code of the holder of the Bonus.


These magnificent 7 Bonuses will be the joy and luck of those who take advantage of them in October.

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