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Be careful because the abuse of this pain reliever would lower blood sugar too much, increasing the hypoglycemic risk

We have already seen several turning points, on the pages of ProiezionidiBorsa, that some common drugs deemed harmless can have unexpected contraindications. We know, for example, that Effervescent drugs could pose a risk to those with high blood pressure, due to the high sodium content. Likewise, we know that the abuse of some psychiatric drugs could increase the risk of falls in older people.

Research goes on daily to uncover these complications and alert doctors and patients. A recent Canadian study appears to have found a worrying correlation between the use of a common drug and hospitalizations for hypoglycemia. Scholars warn of the need to be careful because the abuse of this pain reliever would lower blood sugar too much, increasing the hypoglycemic risk. Hypoglycemic crises are by no means to be neglected, especially in diabetic subjects. Sometimes, experts say, it can even lead to the death of the patient.

Be careful because the abuse of this pain reliever would lower blood sugar too much, increasing the hypoglycemic risk

According to what some Canadian researchers said following a specific study, tramadol, an increasingly used pain reliever drug, can carry risks. Canadian researchers associate the use of this drug with an increasing risk of hypo. The reason is that tramadol would lower blood sugar below the minimum threshold of 70mg / dl.

The news it is acquiring international relevance, so much so that it is also taken up and shared by the experts of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità.

The researchers were able to quantify the increased risk of hypoglycemia in subjects using tramadol. Abuse of this drug would correspond to a tripled risk of hypoglycemic crisis. Hypoglycemic crisis can sometimes require hospitalization and, in some cases, be fatal. That is why researchers are very keen to make doctors and patients aware of the contraindications of this drug.

Evidence of contraindications revealed by tests on a very large sample

The research, conducted at McGill University in Montreal and published by the journal Jama Internal Medicine, collected data on a very large sample. The population, on which the researchers collected their evidence, is as many as 300,000 patients. According to the doctors in charge of the study, the results would leave no room for doubt. Tramadol would significantly increase the risk of hypoglycemic crisis. For this reason, according to experts, the medical community should take this risk into account and inform patients about it.

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(The information in this article is for information purposes only and does not in any way substitute for medical advice and / or the opinion of a specialist. Furthermore, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or for prescribing a treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to always seek the opinion of a doctor or a specialist and to read the warnings given. WHO”)—

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