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Be careful because if your toes burn you could have this disease

Burning toes is certainly not an encouraging sign. Here’s what you might have: check yourself!

It is a very serious disease. And that afflicts many Italians. It can cause major consequences such as thrombosis, stroke and heart attack. This is why prevention is very important. And, in that sense, we suggest you keep an eye on this potential symptom.

Burning in the toes (web source)

As always, when we talk about health, nutrition and medicine in general, we always advise you to contact doctors, experts and professionals in the sector. We are and will always be your support with some useful advice. But you have to rely on those who understand. Health is not a joke!

Among our tips, therefore, we suggest one proper nutrition can to counteract this disease. And, thus recommending a complete cyclical check-up, we tell you that if you have recurring burning in the toes then perhaps it is appropriate to speed up this type of control.

In fact, burning in the toes is certainly not an encouraging sign. It could be a warning that our body lights up for warn us about our blood cholesterol level.

Beware of cholesterol

Cholesterol is a fat found in the blood which is largely produced by the body, while a small part is introduced through the diet. There is no lower limit: the lower the better. Between 150 and 200 mg / dl is considered an acceptable value. Values ​​between 200 and 240 mg / dl are associated with an increased risk of developing coronary heart disease. Values ​​above 240 mg / dl are at high risk.

Cholesterol (web source) direttanews.it
Cholesterol (web source)

As mentioned, a high presence of cholesterol in the blood is often associated withonset of heart problems. Although recent studies question this belief somewhat.

This is supported by a study published in the Journal of American Medical Association Internal Medicine, conducted by the scientists of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI) University of Medicine and Health Sciences, the University of New Mexico, the Institute for Scientific Freedom in Denmark and Bond University in Australia.

In this study it is highlighted a link between high cholesterol and heart disease. These findings, the authors point out, could disprove the use of prescribed statins to lower LDL-C levels and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Commonly prescribed by specialists, statins are given to one third of Irish adults over the age of 50.

Regardless of all this, however, we reiterate the need to have cyclical checks with doctors to keep these values ​​at bay. And watch out for burning toes!

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