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Be aware of 6 foods that cause rumen … and ways to get rid of it

The diet contains a lot of foods that have negative consequences when losing weight, causing fat to appear in some areas, such as belly fat. Nutrition experts recommend avoiding these foods, although they appear healthy, but they cause weight gain and the emergence of belly fat quickly.


Each cup of fruit juice contains 36 grams of sugars, this amount of sugar in a natural juice is equivalent to the same amount that the body gets from fried donuts. After eating it, sugar turns into fructose, which is one of the types of sugars that cause fat accumulation in The body, especially belly fat.


Although some dieters prefer eating a piece of steak or rib-eye steak, lean meat, some studies have found that cutting the wrong steak with a knife for this piece may cause excess fat. Researchers have found that eating the wrong steak may reflect its benefits. Negatively, and puts it in a diet rich in fat, which increases the chances of developing stomach obesity.


Some believe that all types of chocolate can contribute to burning fat, and this is not true, as dark chocolate and completely devoid of sugar is the one that helps to lose weight. Experts in the American Journal of Nutrition warn of chocolate added to milk, because it contains high amounts of sugars.

Cold coffee

Caffeine is known to contribute to weight loss, but cold coffee is rich in calories thanks to the presence of sugars and flavors added to it. A 2017 study found that about 70% of the ingredients in cold coffee are sugars and coffee whiteners.


Not everyone dispenses with eating pastries, and on the diet some people replace them with low-fat or low-fat varieties, but this belief is wrong and causes weight gain and the appearance of rumen. Because the low-fat pastries contain high amounts of sugars, and a high percentage of sodium, all these additions Ultimately it leads to the accumulation of belly fat.

Fruit yogurt

Yogurt is one of the ideal meals to lose weight and it contains protein, but with the addition of flavors, it becomes a disastrous meal for dieting, because it contains a high proportion of sugars. Therefore, nutritionists recommend beware of fruit yogurt, which you buy from the supermarket, and it is better to replace it with Greek yogurt. Or skimmed yogurt.

Ways to get rid of the rumen


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