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Be alert, there is a new crisis that threatens the national car industry

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – The semiconductor chip crisis has occurred in early 2021. In fact, the crisis has been repeated in recent times.

Semiconductor chips, an essential “material” for making cars, are now scarce. The manufacturer also admits that this condition could threaten national car production, which is currently excited.

“Manufacturers starting this month, it seems that the problem is starting to happen again for the scarcity of semiconductors. This is a big homework for manufacturers to overcome this, at least minimize production scarcity until the end of this year,” said Astra International Chief Executive Daihatsu Supranoto in the Profit . program CNBC Indonesia, quoted on Saturday (11/10/2021).

However, he said car manufacturers in Indonesia are trying their best to minimize the impact of the crisis. Moreover, the current demand for new cars is still high due to the relaxation of the Sales Tax on Luxury Goods (PPnBM).

“This happened at the beginning of the year and has been overcome, but it seems that the latest news is that some players or brands in Indonesia are starting to experience difficulties this month. So until September last year, there has not been a significant impact, but October, November, December are very big challenges for manufacturers. to get this semiconductor chip,” Supranoto said.

The problem of the semiconductor chip crisis is not a new problem. Since the beginning of the year this crisis has threatened world car production, including domestic.

Even worldwide semiconductor chip prices are expected to soar across the spectrum, given the global shortage of chips. This condition is projected to last until the end of 2022.

“As far as I know, this crisis is due to increased demand, especially chips related to high tech, electronics, and all kinds of telematics. Demand is increasing worldwide, such as advanced equipment such as laptops, telephones, and chips,” said Apindo’s Head of Manufacturing Industry Johnny Darmawan in Profit. CNBC Indonesia.

He regretted that the crisis occurred when the government was providing relaxation of the Sales Tax on Luxury Goods (PPnBM) for the purchase of new cars. As a result, when demand increases, production will find it difficult to keep pace.

“On the other hand, there was a fire in the factory in Japan. They have chips at level 1, 2, 3, now the problem is level 3-4 for the high-tech instructional sound system in the car,” said Johnny, who also serves as President Director of PT Toyota Astra Motor for the period 2002-2014.

The automotive chip factory fire occurred at Renesas Electronics, some time ago. The company controls about 30% of the global chip market share in cars. Semiconductor chips manufactured by Renesas are used extensively for in-car computing systems, including for monitoring engine performance, steering control, automatic windows, parking sensors and entertainment installations.

“The problem with the car is that if one of the chips is not installed, the car will not be able to be shipped, produced. This is the problem, if you make a chip car, lately there has been no problem, but you can’t. This causes a drop due to a chip problem,” he continued.

[Gambas:Video CNBC]

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