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BCA completes the acquisition of Bank Interim Indonesia

ILLUSTRATION. Workers clean the BCA tower in Jakarta. BETWEEN PHOTOS / Sigid Kurniawan / foc.

Reporter: Fencing Septiadi, In Mirayanti Hutauruk | Editor: Herlina Kartika Dewi

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (BCA) has completed the acquisition of PT Bank Interim Indonesia or previously known as PT Bank Rabobank International Indonesia from Coöperatieve Rabobank UA (CRUA).

The transfer of shares of Interim Bank was carried out on September 25, 2020 after the approval of equity, acquisition and fit and proper (fit and proper) obtained from the Financial Services Authority of the Republic of Indonesia.

Attending the signing ceremony was Director of BCA Henry Koenaifi, Director of BCA Vera Eve Lim, and representative of CRUA Maximiliaan Blom in Jakarta.

Thus, BCA officially owns 99.999973% of the shares of Bank Interim and PT BCA Finance, a subsidiary whose entire shares are owned directly and indirectly by BCA, owning 0.000027% of the shares.

Also Read: Will be merged with Rabobank, where is the direction of BCA Syariah’s business in the future?

“The total acquisition value is IDR 643.65 billion,” wrote BCA management in its official statement, Tuesday (29/8).

With this corporate action, BCA supports the consolidation program for the Indonesian banking sector. Interim Bank is planned to strengthen the financial position of BCA’s subsidiary, namely PT Bank BCA Syariah through a merger.

After the merger, BCA Syariah will become the company that receives the merger (surviving entity).

Vera said that the Rabobank Indonesia merger plan was carried out to support the BCA Syariah business. Especially in order to focus more on the commercial and retail segments, which have been the main business of BCA Syariah. This includes starting to expand into new segments, for example to UKKM.

“We will merge Rabobank with BCA Syariah. Rabobank Indonesia’s capital is actually still quite good at 384 billion. After the merger, BCA Syariah’s capital may reach Rp 2 trillion, “said Vera Eve in a virtual presentation last August.

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Video Pilihan- –> <!– – –>

Reporter: Fencing Septiadi, In Mirayanti Hutauruk
Editor: Herlina Kartika Dewi

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v= —> – .

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