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BC reports zero intubated patients due to Covid-19 – El Sol de Tijuana

Mexicali.– Baja California reports zero patients intubated by COVID-19, after two years of pandemic, a favorable outlook for the entity, which continues at a green epidemiological traffic light, indicated the Secretary of Health, J. Adrián Medina Amarillas.

He stressed that thanks to the application of the vaccine, patients have been able to present mild symptoms in most cases, while those who become complicated have registered a clear decline until today in which no patient requires assistance. with fan. He reported that hospital occupancy due to covid is 12 percent in state hospitals and 3.57 percent in the IMSS.

Medina Amarillas emphasized that in order to guarantee easy access to the anticovid vaccine during the Easter holiday period, the Ministry of Health, in coordination with institutions such as IMSS, ISSSTE, ISSSSTECALI, SEDENA and SEMAR, will maintain the vaccination service this weekend. .

He called on young adults who have not yet received the vaccine booster, as well as the population aged 18 and over to request the biological, which is also applied in the case of the first or second dose, for the population. straggler For adolescents from 14 to 17 years old, the Pfizer vaccine is available for first and second doses, she added.

Finally, he recalled that the preventive measures of using face masks in closed spaces, application of antibacterial gel and healthy distance will be very useful to prevent the transmission of the virus.


At the close of April 14, Baja California reports 132 active cases, of which Mexicali concentrates 14, Tijuana 74, Ensenada 32 and Rosarito 12. In the last 24 hours, 2 confirmed cases were registered (one in the state capital and one in Tijuana), as well as 2 deaths (one in Mexicali and one in Ensenada).

Hospital occupancy by Covid is 12 percent in hospitals of the Ministry of Health and 3.57 percent in the IMSS; in general care it is 51.10 percent in SS and 54.81 percent in IMSS. Of a total of 132 active cases, 18 patients are hospitalized, stable, reported the scientific committee.


The age groups report 63 active cases among people aged 20 to 39 years; 32 active cases between zero and 19 years old; 35 cases between 40 to 59 years old and 2 cases among adults older than 60 years.

Since the start of the pandemic, a total of 133,766 cases have been confirmed in Baja California, of which 12,092 unfortunate deaths have been reported and a total of 121,000 patients have successfully recovered from the disease.

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