Muhammad Isnaini|
Muhammad Isnaini|
Friday 12-16-2022, 7:18 pm WIB
BBM INFORMATION! 3 types of fuel are prohibited until replacement fuel for BBM, cheaper and more efficient than Pertalite, Fact Check.–ReforMiner Institute official website screenshot.
JAKARTA, RADARKAUR.CO.ID – In the midst of the hustle and bustle of new fuel regulations issued by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources regarding 3 types of fuel that are banned for sale in Indonesia as of January 1, 2023.
The public was once again surprised by the emergence of information about fuel for fuel as a substitute for fuel.
This new fuel to replace BBM is expected to be cheaper and cheaper than Pertalite.
Pertalite is a fuel with an octane number of 90 RON. Perthalite fuel or 90 RON is designated as a Special Assignment Fuel Type (JBKP).
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After being designated as a special fuel type for allocation, 3 types of BBM cannot be traded in Indonesia as of January 1, 2023.
Meanwhile, the replacement fuel for BBM is expected to be cheaper and cheaper than Pertalite, which is called CNG.
But what about the real facts with the replacement fuel for BBM called CNG. released by Pertamina’s official website stated that the government is introducing a new fuel to replace BBM called CNG.
This new fuel to replace BBM is said to be 55% more efficient than Pertalite. The price is IDR 3 thousand per litre.
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The government’s move to introduce a new fuel to replace BBM is due to reduce the impact of motor vehicle exhaust emissions by developing various technologies.
After looking at electric vehicles, the technology presented next is that of alternative fuels.