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BBC announces review after scandal report – VG

SORRY SORRY: The BBC has apologized for the behavior when Princess Diana was interviewed in 1995. Foto: RYAN REMIORZ / The Canadian Press

Following the report on the interview with Princess Diana in 1995, the board of the BBC announces that they are launching a major review of the channel’s editorial guidelines and management.


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Last week was one audit report submitted where it emerged that BBC journalist Martin Bashir used false documents to trick Princess Diana into running for the “scandal interview” in which she talked about, among other things, that “there were three of them in the marriage”.

Bashir already had retired from the job, and after the report the then BBC boss withdrew from his current job.


1995: A recent report concludes that the interview was conducted in violation of BBC guidelines. The picture is a screenshot of Martin Bashir interviewing Princess Diana. Photo: PA / BBC / PA Wire

Both Diana’s sons, Princes Harry and William. has also gone out openly and criticized the BBC.

– It makes me incredibly sad to know that the mistakes the BBC made greatly contributed to her fear, paranoia and isolation that I remember from her last years of life, said Prince William in a statement.

In a statement from the BBC board on Monday, they wrote that they reiterated the apology to all those affected by the failure the report pointed out.

It reports among others Reuters, Wales Online and Variety after ITV producer Lizzie Robinson tweeted what should be the statement.

Also BBC even reviews the review on Monday.

The board further writes that they believe the BBC has much stronger guidelines today than in 1995, but that they still want to ensure that something similar can happen again.

“Therefore, we believe it is right that we conduct a detailed review of the effectiveness of the BBC’s editorial guidelines and management,” the board wrote.

The work will be led by Nick Serota with several members of the BBC’s Editorial Guidelines and Standards Committee. By September, they will present the work to the board.

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