BB-Kaki says in a recent interview with Keskisuomainen that he was also diagnosed with ADHD last spring.

BB-Kaki currently works as a counselor for substance abuse and mental health rehabilitation. Kari Hautoniemi’s home archive
BB-Legs, eli Kari Hautoniemi, tells Keskisuomalainen about his ADHD diagnosis last spring in a recent interview. Hautoniemi found ADHD and drug treatment scary at first, but the man says he has improved considerably now.
In the past, Hautoniemi was restless in meetings, for example, and did not know how to wait quietly for his turn to speak. Now there is patience and Started things will be completed instead of being left hanging.
However, there is still room for improvement in one matter.
– The delay is still being worked on. In the army, I was called Vaiheniemi, because I was always on stage, Hautoniemi says in an interview with Keskisuomainen.
Hautoniemi previously told the public about his heart problems and how eight years ago he came close to death. Hautoniemi told Iltalehte in 2015 that he went to the hospital, urged by his wife, when the strong heartburn symptoms did not subside.
In the hospital, tests were taken on the man, and soon it was revealed that he wouldn’t be able to get home in an hour.
– I was diagnosed with a small heart attack. At the hospital, they wanted to do a routine contrast imaging. As a result, my coronary artery tore 8.5 centimeters during the inspection operation, Kaki told Iltalehte earlier.
Hautoniemi now tells Keskifinomainen that the diagnosis of coronary artery disease at a young age was a tough one.
– I thought why me. I’ve always worked out, but my eating habits weren’t great. A structural weakness was found in the artery, and now I take blood thinners and cholesterol medicine.
Own illnesses and understanding them also help Hautoniemi to relate to others in her work. The man works as a counselor for substance abuse and mental health rehabilitation.
– I encourage people to talk about their illnesses. It alleviates the stigma around them, Hautoniemi reminds.
Khaki is remembered from the 2006 Big Brother. Sari took the win that time. JARNO JUTI
Source: Central Finland
#BBKaki #die #open #diagnoses