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Bayeux. The “singer of the market” keeps his promise and releases an album

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He had promised it, he did it: Thomas Cappé, the “Singer of the market of Bayeux », just released his first album, Aligned-to. Fourteen songs co-written with his sidekick David Marazzi. “It’s a lot of emotion. It is an outcome. I never thought I’d go so far on a first album ”, explains the (soon) 30-something from his house in Molay-Littry, about ten kilometers from Bayeux.

A year after strumming his guitar every Saturday at Place Saint-Patrice, sometimes in negative temperatures, the one whose style is “Halfway between Cabrel and Fréro Delavega” has relentlessly followed a path strewn with pitfalls.

We will not dwell on the nature of the year 2020, we will be satisfied to say that it did not spare the young artist: thanks to the markets, he had managed to sell “A lot of dates for the summer”, with, in sight, the possibility of obtaining the sacrosanct sesame of the status of intermittent. And, eventually, to produce his album. “Weddings, birthdays, private parties”, he lists. All swept away in the space of a few weeks by the health crisis. “I was disgusted. All that for this ? “

Singer and management controller

He then turned to the Bar de la Mer, in Courseulles, where he worked when he was a student. The boss introduced him to a few colleagues from the walk and, in two days, he landed 50 dates. Then 20 more. “I broke the prices, I was doing 4-hour services for 100 €, if you think about turnover, you have 50% left, it’s not heavy. But I made myself known ”, specifies the artist in whom the reflexes of management controller are never very far. Because the singer has, in his pocket, a master’s degree in finance, and in his paws a little experience in the banking world. “For a long time, I wanted to be a sports teacher”, adds Thomas, obviously a fan of the splits.

Still, in the space of two months he won the status of intermittent. And finally devotes himself to his album, which he produced in Barbeville, near Bayeux, with “Sizes”, notably Francis Gambini, pianist, and Benjamin Godard, “Excellent guitarist”. An album he manages to self-finance through an online jackpot.

The idea now is to sell said CD. “We don’t buy too much anymore, but I hope people will play along.” So for ” to buckle the buckle “, before devoting himself to his second album, he will “Take over the markets and offer the record there. History to thank people, and to tell them that, thanks to them, I kept my promises. “

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