− Photo: dpa
More money for Bayern referees! From the new season, referees can look forward to a much higher expense rate. According to the Bavarian Football Association (BFV), this is a clear sign of appreciation.
In future, referees will receive an average of 52.93 euros instead of the previous 33.62 euros per referee. The board of the Bavarian Football Association (BFV) unanimously decided to increase the expenses, according to a statement on Monday.
The average expense rate for assistants will be raised from EUR 25.83 to EUR 36.11. In the “Year of the Referees” proclaimed by the German Football Association (DFB), the BFV wants to send a sign of appreciation and fight against the trend of falling referee numbers.
The decision of the BFV board was preceded by a process initiated five years ago with the close involvement of the clubs. “Adjusting the expenses can only be the beginning,” said BFV President Christoph Kern.
Management and recognition of the referees’ achievements also play a crucial role, not just the money. It cannot be the case that many talented referees give up their hobby “after successful training, mainly because they are tired of being regularly exposed to defamation on our sports fields,” Kern explained.
In the future, reimbursement of costs will be 120 euros
The cancellation fee for not meeting the target number was also revised, according to which clubs must provide a certain number of referees in accordance with the principle of solidarity. In future, the reimbursement of costs per missing referee will be a uniform amount of 120 euros, regardless of the league.
It wouldn’t work without referees, said Vice President Robert Schraudner, who is responsible for referees in the Executive Committee. “And here we are all challenged: clubs, but also the association.”
By the end of the year, the DFB wants to use various smaller and larger measures, in particular with the help of the districts, districts, clubs and associations, to publicly focus on the subject of referees and initiate improvements. The aim of the initiative is also to counteract the declining number of referees and to gain more recognition for them.
− red/dpa