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Bavaria: Eisenreich calls for better protection against fake videos

Eisenreich calls for better protection against fake videos

Munich (dpa / lby) – Bavaria’s Justice Minister Georg Eisenreich (CSU) has called for better protection against so-called deepfakes. These are fake, but realistic-looking video clips made with artificial intelligence. The Free State wants to submit a corresponding application at the spring conference of justice ministers this Wednesday.

Eisenreich is demanding imprisonment of up to five years for the publication of fake videos or images that damage the reputation of individuals – instead of the previous two years. In order to protect the freedom of opinion, the Bavarian Minister of Justice is also proposing a regulation in a new paragraph 141 of the Criminal Code (StGB). This envisages imprisonment of between three months and five years in the event of “endangering public interests through digital forgery”. “We mustn’t have fake videos from top politicians or statements from apparently government agencies on the security situation,” said the CSU politician.

Bavaria also advocates cross-border negotiations using video technology. What is already possible across Germany has no legal basis at European level, it is said.

In addition, the Free State wants to better control the messenger service Telegram, because so far this has not been covered by the Network Enforcement Act. “Telegram has long been a mass medium – and one that also attracts corona deniers, Reich citizens and right-wing extremists,” said Eisenreich to “Bild”. Such services cannot be allowed to remain under the radar.

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