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Baudet leaves unclear about ‘Moroccan tweet’ NOW

FVD leader Thierry Baudet does not want to say whether he already knew before sending his controversial ‘Moroccan tweet’ that his girlfriends had not been harassed by four Moroccans, but had to deal with a ticket check by the Dutch Railways.

Baudet recognized Monday in a statement on Facebook that he had expressed himself too quickly and too firmly. He also writes that his girlfriends were unpleasantly treated by three inspectors, but that it was not clear to the two women that they were NS staff.

The Dutch Railways and the police previously confirmed that it was a card check involving three Dutch Railways inspectors and one civilian police officer. It is certain that Baudet’s tweet was factually incorrect.

Whether Baudet deliberately distorted the facts when he spoke of “Moroccans” instead of a card check, remains unclear even after repeated questions from the media.

Baudet acknowledges error but makes no apologies

The FVD leader spoke to the press on Wednesday after days of radio silence, but did not want to answer any questions. He acknowledged that he had made a mistake, but he did not apologize. Baudet maintains that there are problems with “street harassment”.

Baudet calls the reproach that his tweet is “racist” absurd.

D66 party leader Rob Jetten did not want to speak of racism on Monday, but said that the tweet “was clearly meant to speak angry about Moroccans in the Netherlands and not so much to stand up for people being harassed on the train. emphatically a link with ethnicity and he does that intentionally. “

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