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BattleBit Remastered: A Large-Scale Multiplayer Shooter with Destructible Environment

The famous Battlefield and Call of Duty series are among the most prominent of the more dynamic FPSs that simply don’t want to pretend to be realistic. If none of the brands suits you very well and you simply want to test something else, we have an interesting alternative for you. It is a multiplayer shooter BattleBit Remastered, which in the presented footage shows itself to be a very interesting effort, but with which you will not find graphics suitable for posters. On the contrary. This can become the biggest weakness of this, however, what it will lack in visuals it will make up for through the range.

You can look forward to battles for up to 254 players, so it will be really large-scale conflicts full of bullets, explosions and dead people. Speaking of explosions, it should be mentioned that the environment in BattleBit Remastered is destructible, so nothing will stop you from simply shooting through obstacles. On PC this visually bland “Battlefield” arrives as early as June 15th as part of Early Access. BattleBit Remastered is supposed to stay in it for about two years.

2023-06-11 09:00:21
#lowkey #shooter #inspired #Battlefield #series #Zing #coming

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