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Battle for the Legacy: Women Fight for Millions After Insurance Boss’s Murder

After killing the insurance boss

Two wives and two daughters pocket the millions from dozens of companies, company shares and bank accounts

Will there be a women’s battle for the legacy of Alexei Petrov! After the murder of the former beret, the question of who will collect his possessions is increasingly raised! Two wives and two daughters are expected to join the fight for the millions that Petrov leaves in the form of properties, bank accounts and company shares. This was shown by an inspection of “Bulgaria Dnes”.

During his lifetime, the ex-adviser at DANS managed to build an insurance empire for hundreds of millions. Adding in the companies associated with it, the property swells even more. Petrov is a founder in a number of emblematic companies and associations. The former Beret has been identified as one of the most iconic figures of the transition, who have become key figures in business and politics.

Alexey Petrov’s business history began in the 1990s, when he was a partner in one of the early power insurers, Apollo and Balkan, with famous faces Rumen Nikolov-Pashata and Zlatomir Ivanov-Baretata. Later, the partners divided the market share, and Petrov founded a new company, “Spartak”, with several sports clubs, security companies and his colleagues from the Union of former berets. After several transformations, the company became one of the leaders of the insurance market, which only for m.y. announces over BGN 440 million in premium income.

The separation of the insurance business marked Petrov’s relations with one of the former groups – SIK and its representatives. “I have serious threats from the Security Council,” Alexey Petrov told his official wife Mariana in 2000. She is an accountant by profession and is in charge of the family finances, and before that she worked as a saleswoman at the shoe stand in TSUM. She and Alexey have a daughter, Iglika, who works abroad in the field of law. Currently, Mariana runs three companies for trade, processing of agricultural products and re-export.

Family relations between the spouses worsened, but the two never divorced, although a new woman appeared in the life of the former beret, acquaintances revealed.

Iva Pavlova met Alexey at the Union for Economic Initiative of Citizens. Before taking over part of her friend’s impressive business, she sold plane tickets in an office opposite the National Assembly. In underground publications it is written that she was the lover of the mythical Fatik. Petrov decides to take her with him as the cashier of “Spartak”. Thus, their meetings begin initially on business lines.

Pavlova becomes Alexey Petrov’s right-hand man and his great weakness. He gave birth to a daughter, Dilyana, who was named after the mother of the former commando. The girl is now about 25 years old and owns two companies. One is “Solomon Group” for consulting services and the other is “Tora Solutions” for e-commerce and web design.

Her mother Iva survived the shooting of Petrov in 2002 at the Spartak pool. The boss and his bodyguard are wounded, but she escapes with scratches. Since then, he has been in the shadows and avoids accompanying his lover to restaurants or social events. After that, she becomes a successful businesswoman. Those close to the couple describe her as intelligent, combinative and ambitious. She takes over her partner’s business while Petrov is in custody on the “Octopus” investigation.

A reference in the Commercial Register shows that Iva Pavlova participates in the management of 7 companies, one of which is the insurance company “Lev ins”. Under its control are 50 commercial companies – security companies, dairies, furniture workshops, taxi companies, tourist companies, restaurants. The businesswoman owns the company AS BG EOOD, which has a share in the taxi company “Taxi-s-express”, which owns the 1280 taxis.

The business empire also includes many other companies in various sectors – pension and life insurance, security companies, a company for managing car fleets and jeep equipment, for equipping bakeries, production of biological food, etc.

Petrov himself does not hide his relationship with Iva, with whom he has lived for more than 25 years, and in one of his last media appearances he calls Lev Inns “a very successful family business”. If he has not made a special will, half of the assets in his name are expected to go to his legal partner Mariana. The other half should be divided between his two children. But whether it will be just like that, or there will be a fight for the millions, remains to be seen.

From secret agent to presidential candidate

In addition to being a businessman, Alexey Petrov is also a popular public figure. He is a former employee and undercover agent of the counter-intelligence, a former beret from the Specialized Anti-Terrorism Squad, but lately he has become a professor of “Corporate Security” at UNSS and the founder of the “Cyber ​​Security” department at the University of Plovdiv.

His role in public life is also important because of his influence alongside the Union for Economic Initiative (SSI). The employer organization at the beginning of this year was at the heart of the blocked changes to the Insurance Code. They were part of Bulgaria’s commitments for its entry into the Eurozone.

After the accusations in the “Octopus” case, he tried as a presidential candidate, but gathered few votes. In recent months, he has appeared as an expert with an active civic position. Participated in a protest against a scandalous search of an establishment in Plovdiv.

In an interview, he says that he would return to DANS to take care of the economic security of the country. Those close to Petrov comment that it is his public role recently that may be the reason for the murder. It is said that the boss planned to return to the services and brighten up his biography.

2023-08-19 04:01:28

#heiresses #share #wealth #Alexei #Petrov

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