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Battle against AIDS. For every thousand people assisted, three positive people

Risky behaviours, but cases of AIDS transmitted by taking drugs with infected syringes also return. This was detected by the Brescia ATS in the last year: small numbers, which however must be monitored. “In general – underlines the councilor of the Municipality of Brescia Marco Fenaroli – the whole issue of the spread of HIV and AIDS is underestimated, a critical issue to which the Municipality is then called to respond”. In Brescia, according to data released by Giovanni Marazza, director of the Department of Hygiene and Health Prevention Ats Brescia, the prevalence is 3.1 HIV positives per 1000 patients, of which 71% are male, with an average age of 55 years. Among Italians, the percentage is 71%, while among foreigners, women prevail, 55%, a more difficult target to reach in order to create a culture of prevention. As regards the incidence, i.e. the new cases, 60% are Italian, but the number of foreign males is increasing. “The mode of contagion is between 52-58% for relationships between heterosexuals, 30% between people of the same sex – explains Marazza –. In 85% of cases we are talking about subjects who do not use precautions. Furthermore, for the first time , we have had reports of people infected by intravenous drugs.” In view of 1 December, World AIDS Day, the network of Fast-Track City associations are organizing numerous prevention initiatives: in various places, it will be possible to carry out a rapid test for HIV. “As an infectious disease specialist – explains Francesco Castelli, rector of the University of Brescia and director of SC Malattie Infettive Asst-Spedali Civili di Brescia – I have lived the story of HIV infection from the beginning, the first case in Brescia was in 1983. Today the The objective is 95/95 /95, which means that 95% of affected people must be aware of the infection status, 95% of these should be put on therapy, and of these 95% should achieve the absence of the virus.” In Brescia, the second and third objectives were achieved (4 thousand patients were followed on a regular basis), while, as throughout Italy, it is estimated that there are still 10% of people who are infected by the virus without knowing it. Among the scheduled appointments, on Saturday 30th from 2.30pm to 5.30pm it will be possible to take the HIV test, free of charge and anonymously, in Largo Formentone.

**Given the article’s mention of a rise in HIV transmission through intravenous drug use, what strategies are being implemented in Brescia to promote safe needle exchange programs and connect individuals ‌with addiction treatment ⁣services, and how can stigma surrounding drug use be addressed in this context?**

## World ⁣Today News Exclusive Interview: Addressing HIV in Brescia

**Welcome to World Today ⁤News. Today we’re discussing the issue of⁣ HIV prevalence and prevention in Brescia. We’re joined by‌ two distinguished guests:**

* **Marco Fenaroli:** Councilor for the Municipality of Brescia, with a strategic focus on public health.

* **Francesco Castelli:** Rector of the ⁣University of Brescia and Director of the ⁢Infectious Diseases Department at Asst-Spedali Civili di Brescia, a leading expert ​in the field.

**Section 1: Understanding the Landscape**


Councilor Fenaroli, the article highlights that the issue ⁣of HIV and AIDS is often underestimated. Can you elaborate on the challenges Brescia ⁣faces in addressing this public health concern? What are the main factors contributing to this underestimation, ⁣and what steps is the‌ municipality taking⁤ to increase awareness and funding for prevention programs?

**Section 2: Demographic Trends and Transmission**


Dr. Castelli, the article presents data showing different prevalence rates among Italians ​and foreigners, as well as variations in transmission modes. Can you shed light on these demographic trends?

* What factors might explain the higher​ prevalence amongst foreigners, particularly women?

* What strategies are being implemented to effectively target prevention efforts towards these specific groups?

**Section 3: The Role of Testing and Treatment**


Dr. Castelli, you mentioned the “95/95/95” objective – a ambitious ‍target for HIV care.

* Can you elaborate on the progress made in Brescia towards achieving these goals?

* What are⁤ the primary⁢ obstacles hindering the identification and treatment of the estimated 10% of undiagnosed​ HIV-positive​ individuals?

* How effective‍ are rapid testing⁣ initiatives like those planned for‌ World AIDS Day in reaching this hidden population?

**Section 4: Beyond Treatment: Addressing Root Causes and Risk Factors**


Councilor Fenaroli, the article mentions a concerning rise in HIV⁣ transmission through intravenous drug use.

​ * What measures are in place or being considered to address this growing challenge?

* How can city officials collaborate with community organizations ⁣and ⁤healthcare providers‍ to create more effective harm reduction strategies?

* ⁤More broadly,‍ what​ social and economic factors​ contribute to the vulnerability of certain populations to HIV infection, and what steps can be taken to address these underlying issues?

**Section 5: Looking Ahead: A Roadmap for the Future**


Both of you have profound experience in the fight⁣ against HIV.

* Looking towards the future, what are your greatest hopes and concerns ​regarding HIV ⁢prevention and care in Brescia?

* ‍What innovative⁤ approaches or collaborations do you see as crucial for achieving sustainable progress in the years to come?


Thank you, Councilor Fenaroli and Dr. ⁤Castelli, for sharing your insights ​and‌ commitment to tackling this critical public health issue. By raising awareness, supporting research, and promoting accessible care, we⁢ can work together to create a world where ⁢HIV is no longer​ a threat.

**We encourage our readers to learn more about HIV prevention and testing resources available in Brescia.⁤ Let’s ‍strive for a future where everyone has access to the information and care they need to ‌live healthier lives.**

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