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Battipaglia, the brand new hospital “free” from Tusciano

There aren’t any extra obstacles able to hindering the development of the brand new maxi-hospital of Battipaglia. The final constraint, probably the most burdensome, overflowing contemporary water, was eliminated in latest days by True CorbelliSecretary Basic of the District Basin Authority of theSouthern Apennineswhich adopted the proposal to change the perimeter and classification of the river channels and the hydraulic danger of the partial plan for the hydrogeological construction put ahead by the Technical Workplace of the Municipality of Battipaglialed by the chief engineer Carmine Salerno.

The interventions

Proposal, the one launched with the contribution of the professionals of the Technitalengineering firm of Veronawhich redraws the map of the town’s components to be flood-proof Tuscianoconsiderably enlarged by advantage of the works to adapt the riverbed on the foot of the bridges Centenary Road and of by way of Clarizia. Battipaglia is rediscovered to be safer, awaiting a subsequent work, at present being deliberate in synergy with the technicians from Verona, led by the engineer Simone Venturiniwhich is able to deliver the chief of the Sele Plain to equip itself with a compensation tank able to eliminating any remaining hydrogeological danger. It will likely be constructed within the territory of Olevano on the Tuscianonearly on the border with Battipaglia, close to the pure floodplain of the river.


#Battipaglia #hospital #free #Tusciano
– 2024-07-03 12:11:03

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