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Bats’ Genetic Resistance to Cancer and COVID-19 Uncovered by Scientists

Scientists may have found solutions to problems like cancer, COVID-19 and aging.

According to the latest research of scientists, the gene Bat can give people a high level of immunity in the fight against both COVID-19, and also against cancer. Scientists have been investigating for several years whether this characteristic can be transferred to humans.

Members of the bat family are known to harbor and develop immunity to various coronaviruses. Bats have adapted to coexist with these viruses, and their immune systems have gained the ability to deal with them. Bats have a long lifespan compared to other animals and have a low rate of cancer despite their small size.

This characteristic has led researchers to wonder which health components are responsible for their resistance to cancer. Scientists from Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) have taken an important step in this direction by deciphering genomes Jamaican flying foxes and of the flying fox mezoamericane . By comparing the genomes of both species to the genomes of other bats and mammals, the researchers found that there has been positive selection on immune system genes in the bat genome. It has been suggested that this difference in the bats’ immune systems may play a role in fighting both aging and cancer.

The researchers also found that bats lower their immune system’s alertness by releasing genes that produce interferon-alpha. This suggests that bats do not have an overactive immune system, one of the reasons why viruses are harmful to humans. The bat genome was also found to contain more changes than other animals in genes that repair DNA and suppress tumors. This suggests that bats may have more efficient DNA repair mechanisms to prevent cancer.

The researchers believe that their findings will help to understand the relationship between immunity, aging and cancer, and ultimately contribute to the development of better medical procedures and treatments. However, they note that research in this area is still ongoing and more exploration is needed.

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2023-12-22 14:14:13
#link #cancer #bats

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