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Batman, Captain America, Deadpool and company to the rescue of the homeless

Since this is the eleventh marauding of its kind, some links have already been forged with some homeless people. Evidenced by the gifts that the association reserved for Ishmael for his fortieth birthday. First, a figurine of Woody, in “Toy Story”, for his son. But above all a ticket to go to the Cévennes, where the man found work as a shepherd. “Océane has been listening to me for so long. In a few years, she has done more for people like us than communities in a lifetime, ”said the homeless.

The superheroes had 215 euros worth of races available.


The young woman decked out in a Deadpool costume sent a whole series of messages to the homeless people she knows in order to give them an appointment at the various places through which the convoy passes. Starting with Mériadeck, where the team met at noon to do the shopping. “We were able to buy for 215 euros,” enthuses Océane.

Chips et croquettes

After that, the volunteers distributed the different types of food in the carts at their disposal. One for clothes, another for hygiene products… The first homeless person they meet is at the top of rue de la Porte-Dijeaux, after the procession has gone up Mériadeck to Gambetta. He asks for kibble for his dog. A broad smile on his face, the man then accepts the bottles of water and packets of appetizer cakes that Deadpool and Supergirl hand him.

Meanwhile, volunteer Oz films the scene with the small camera he holds at the end of his tripod. “It’s important to show concretely what we do,” he says. The people who have given note that their contributions are faithfully returned. This allows us to grow further. In fact, during the first superhero marauding organized four years ago, Océane had a budget of 80 euros, 50 of which came from her own relative. “Visibility work is terribly important,” she notes. To be visible, we dress up. If we weren’t superheroes, no one would talk about us. »

“If we weren’t superheroes, no one would talk about us”

The procession then arrives on rue Sainte-Catherine. There, he meets a first homeless man who assures them that he has everything he needs. “It’s great, because they are honest,” comments Océane under her red mask. Captain America takes advantage of the halt to distribute leaflets to passers-by: “I know you are expecting a little leaflet! “, “Does this intrigue you? Hold on…” Some Bordelais even stop to hand over a coin or a note.

“Close to us”

Then there they are at the Grand-Théâtre, where some homeless people are waiting for them. Some head for the clothes cart. “How much are you doing? From 46? I can get you a 43 if you want. Others prefer to turn to toys, like this mother in a gray dress looking for a comforter for her daughter, in a pink stroller a few meters behind.

In disguises, the heat begins to be felt. Alex, disguised as Batman, tries to round up the procession in the shade. “I am a nocturnal superhero. The great heat is not for me,” he jokes. Twenty minutes later, they finally take the direction of Place Saint-Projet. Océane’s phone vibrates, the majority of the homeless are waiting for them there. The superheroes hit the road again and dance to the rhythm of “YMCA”, Village People, or “La Kiffance”, Naps.

This is the eleventh distribution in superheroes for the association.

This is the eleventh distribution in superheroes for the association.


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