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Batili is holding talks in N’Djamena about the Libyan crisis

On Friday, the UN envoy, Abdullah Batili, arrived in Chad, as part of an official tour of Libya’s neighboring countries, within the framework of the mandate of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) to restore peace and stability to Libya.

The transitional president of Chad, General Mohamed Idriss Deby, received the UN envoy in the capital, N’Djamena, and expressed his country’s full support for the UN-facilitated peace process in Libya.

During the meeting, General Deby stressed that peace and stability in Libya is in the interest of his country, expressing his satisfaction to consult with him, for the first time, on this issue and expressing his readiness for greater involvement on his part.

For his part, Batili expressed his appreciation for Chad’s support for the 5 + 5 Joint Military Committee in its efforts to implement the ceasefire agreement, through the Chadian Liaison Committee that coordinates the withdrawal of foreign fighters and mercenaries from Libya in a way that does not negatively affect neighboring countries.

Earlier, the UN envoy, Abdallah Batili, met in N’Djamena with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Chadians Abroad and International Cooperation, Mohamed Saleh Nazif.

The meeting reviewed the efforts of the United Nations to enable Libya to hold comprehensive elections in a safe environment, and Nazif expressed Chad’s support for the good offices of the United Nations in Libya.

Batili also held talks with the Chadian Minister of Public Security and Immigration, Mohamed Charafeddine Margi, and discussed with him the importance of accelerating the work of the liaison committees in Libya, Chad, Sudan and Niger to ensure a coordinated and simultaneous withdrawal of foreign fighters and mercenaries from Libya.

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