Home » Entertainment » Bastion Festival in Kinrooi: A Family-friendly Event Along the Maas River with #LIKEME and Flemish Pop Sensation Camille

Bastion Festival in Kinrooi: A Family-friendly Event Along the Maas River with #LIKEME and Flemish Pop Sensation Camille

Along the Maas, with a view of the water, you will still find the Bastion Festival in Kinrooi in Limburg today. “A festival for young and old”, the organization says, “we should certainly not forget the children.”

And that can be seen in the poster on this second day of the festival. The children’s heroes of #LIKEME started the day at 2 p.m., then passed the microphone to Flemish pop sensation Camille. “Bastion is the only Limburg festival that Camille was able to attract this summer”, it sounds proud.

2023-08-13 16:01:00
#Sold #Bastion #Festival #targets #families #LIKEME #Camille #Metejoor

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